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Asher Brooks
Asher Brooks

Implementing Domain-driven Design Epub Download Free

It is important to note unique overarching contextual factors related to implementing MOVE! in VA facilities that may have contributed to the seemingly lack of importance of some constructs. First, there was little variation in the perception of MOVE! itself: four of the five facilities had a positive view of evidence strength and quality, perhaps because NCP, the central coordinating office, assembled and presented results of a pilot study via multiple venues. Adaptability was strongly positive in all but one facility because of the latitude they felt they had to adapt the program to fit their organization, most staff did not think to trial the program before going full-scale, and unless there was a robust pre-existing weight management program already in place, MOVE! was perceived to be a complex program to implement. Second, all facilities had access to program materials, including an implementation guide, power point slides and lesson plans (design quality and packaging) that were developed by an external entity (the National NCP office), which four of the five study sites regarded positively and relied upon to help develop their program. This was likely a significant facilitating factor [31]. Third, a relatively consistent factor that was surely key to any level of success was the enthusiastic, skillful, and capable program coordinators committed to getting MOVE! up and running; all but one facility had such leaders. Fourth, some constructs had a neutral effect across all facilities (e.g., peer pressure, cost) though these constructs may have significant effects in other contexts. For example, none of our study facilities experienced any peer pressure (e.g., competitive market forces) because they are publically funded hospitals. These constructs should continue to be considered in future studies to ascertain their importance in other contexts.

implementing domain-driven design epub download free

Selecting an implementation framework is a challenging task. If an organisation or provider is interested in implementing a particular innovation, they must decide if an implementation framework for the innovation to be implemented is the most suitable, or should a framework or combination of frameworks, potentially created for the implementation of different innovation(s), be considered? In other words, as implementation frameworks vary in their orientation, it is plausible, by design or otherwise, that not all frameworks targeting a particular innovation cover all implementation concepts. The diversity of frameworks leads to a second question: do implementation frameworks across the range of innovations in healthcare consist of the same concepts, covered to the same degree and depth, and if not, how do they vary? Core implementation concepts have been posited and so it would appear for those with an objective to implement an innovation, rather than, for example, study a particular concept, the consequences of using a framework lacking degree or depth of an implementation concept may be poor results [9]. Therefore, the answers to such questions of framework comprehensiveness may aid users in their selection of a suitable implementation framework or whether to combine multiple implementation frameworks to aid their implementation efforts.

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Domain-driven design and SOA. The microservices architecture patterns derive from service-oriented architecture (SOA) and domain-driven design (DDD). When you design and develop microservices for environments with evolving business rules shaping a particular domain, it is important to take into account DDD approaches and patterns.

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Finally on our list of best domain-driven design books: JavaScript Domain-Driven Design. The book starts you off by teaching domain-driven concepts in JavaScript alongside working with UML diagrams.

The book focuses on topics such as collaboration with domain experts, agility and strategic design. It discusses in detail how we can use knowledge crunching methods to shape communication with non-technical stakeholders in order to derive an Ubiquitous Language. The book also explains how the ideas of agility harmonize with the iterative modeling activity of Domain-driven Design. In the field of strategic design, the book discusses the connections between domains, sub-domains and bounded contexts. It also illustrates how bounded contexts can relate to microservices architectures. In addition, the book is very detailed and, above all, practice-oriented on the subject of context maps, including a consistent suggestion for graphical representation. However, this does not mean that topics such as tactical design with its internal building blocks are neglected. In this part, patterns such as Entity, Value Object, Aggregate, Domain Event, Service, Factory and Repository are examined and explained using detailed examples. The book also deals with architectural patterns such as hexagonal architecture, sometimes also known as onion architecture, and also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of such approaches. The book is rounded off by a chapter on implementation aspects using Java with Spring Boot, which leads to a complete implementation of the case study.

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